Four County Community Foundation

4CCF Feeding Families Forever Fund

Anyone who’s made a trip to the grocery store lately has likely noticed a steady increase in food prices.  The United States Department of Agriculture reports that food prices increased 5.8% in 2023. That means it’s been even more challenging for local residents facing food insecurity to be able to provide for themselves and their families.

Most recent data, from the 2022 Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap shows that 14.4 percent of St. Clair County residents, 13.4 percent of Lapeer County residents, 12.6 percent of Macomb County residents and 11 percent of Oakland County residents are considered to be food insecure.

Those households struggling to afford food, including many who don’t qualify for federal nutrition programs, often turn to local food pantries for help, but these volunteer organizations are also feeling the impact of inflation and increased costs.

That’s where our 4CCF Feeding Families Forever Fund steps in to help.  Our fund assists food pantries and other nonprofit groups who provide food programs to the communities we serve and, in this month of giving, we’re asking for your support.

A donation to the fund in the amount of $25 could help a local food pantry assemble a holiday meal basket for a family.  A donation of $75 could cover the cost of a mobile distribution delivery fee.  A gift of any amount could also be directed towards the endowment of the 4CCF Feeding Families Forever Fund.

Thank you for your support of Four County Community Foundation and our efforts to address food insecurity.

Nonprofit organizations needing financial support for food security programs may contact the Foundation for more information.  Grant requests for this fund will be reviewed by the Foundation’s Proactive Committee throughout the year.  The Foundation’s Board of Trustees will act on committee recommendations on a regular basis.